Friday, February 22, 2008


is it that many/most people aren't going to post here now?

anyway, I will be. So if you are that is cool. Looked at the Poussin that Matt mentioned. I checked it out at 2 AMMMMM. kinda cool. at the end are some of the truly great pieces. more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't know who reads or uses the blog. It is always very exciting to get something like this going, an online community, etc. and never seems to pan out. I've posted many times without hearing a whimper (the "Cool, Spiderman" post I was absolutely looking forward to some debate on). This is clearly due to people having excruciatingly busy lives. I know Brian is very very busy, Steph has said the same. So everyone's busy. The reason I can post is that I sit at work neglecting my responsibilities surfing the net and writing for half the day. So I say use it for what it is, etc., no big deal.