Wednesday, February 6, 2008


[01.29.08] “There was much music—and merriment—at the Clärchen’s Ballhaus, where three hundred guests gathered for Jonathan Meese and Georg Baselitz’s birthday party with a sit-down dinner followed by dancing to a live band. Bruno Brunnet, taking the stage with Contemporary Fine Arts owners Philipp Haverkampf and Nicole Hackert, announced: ‘It’s art’s birthday today!’” —Jennifer Allen

Thought this was funny. "It's art's birthday today!" How positive!


S Dedes said...

I thought that dude in the photo was Chris, Mark's old roommate - blanking on his last name at the moment. But, a way scary and impossible version of him.

Anonymous said...

Ha. He does kind of look like Chris Antkowiak (you're welcome). At least from this photo, kind of. Meese is a lot taller and has quite a belly though.